There are times when we may run out of a product. Our personal shopper team will do their best to substitute for a similar product in the picking process according to your notes. The personal shopper may also contact your from your order information to confirm substitution.

You will receive a full update of any substituted items once your order is ready for pickup. If you do not want the substituted item, you always have the option to make a return for a full refund. Please notify your personal shopper and he or she will work with you on the refund process. You may also contact Curbside Customer Service with any questions or issues.

If a product is missing from your order, you have 48 hours from the time of pickup to notify the store or our Curbside Customer Service for a full refund.

Please note that alcoholic beverages and baby formula cannot be returned once you have picked up your order.

| July 10th, 2019