The dollar amount displayed at checkout is only an estimate, based on the products you selected and their prices at the time of order, and estimated product weights for certain items in your order. The final total cannot be determined until the day and time the order is sourced and processed for a number of reasons including that we need to confirm the availability of all products on that day and may substitute differently priced products depending on your preferences, that product weights, and prices, as well as available promotions, may vary between the date you submit the order and the date and time that the order is prepared for delivery/pick up and that certain charges, such as any applicable taxes, bottle deposits, and bag charges, cannot be determined until the order is prepared for delivery/pickup. In addition, even though we make an effort to describe and display our products and services accurately on our websites, mobile apps, and/or advertising, a product may be mispriced, described inaccurately, or unavailable and we may experience delay in updating information on our websites, mobile apps and/or in our advertising.

| July 10th, 2019